Smart Glass Separation

Why you should recycle glass:

  • Our  glass crushing machine (“Big Blue”) will allow us to reuse all your recycled glass, right here on the island! Recycled glass will be crushed to the size of sand and used as renewable landscape and construction material. Zero waste in action!
  • Crushing and re-using the glass on island means that it does not have to be sent back to the mainland—meaning less transportation, carbon, and cost.

Here is some basic guidance for glass recycling!

What goes into your glass tote*/glass recycling bin:

  • Bottles/jars/jugs–empty, clean, and ideally no labels or caps or corks– labels on may be OK, and the aluminum rim on the neck is OK–all will come off in the processing
  • No need to separate colors of glass at this time–maybe later
  • Bottles/jars/jugs already broken into pieces are OK
  • Window glass and Mirrors—without frames—BE CAREFUL with loose glass to avoid injury
  • Make sure all glass is EMPTY and CLEAN

What does NOT go into your tote*/glass recycling bin:

  • No plastic of any kind–bottles or bags, especially
  • No ceramic materials–tile, porcelain
  • No light bulbs—incandescent—fluorescent—LED

*Glass recycling totes are NOT required—they are just being provided to make the separation and recycling easier. Whatever you use to store your glass, be sure you can lift it so you can put the glass into the big storage bins at the recycling wall at the transfer station.

Glass Recycling Prices