Recognition by Zero Waste Washington

In 2020, Orcas Island Recycling Services/The Exchange was recognized by Zero Waste Washington with a number of other zero waste movements across Washington State. Author Mariel Fernandez Thuraisingham writes:

“Orcas Island Recycling Services and Exchange began as Orcas Island Exchange in 1981 with a site that served island residents as a re-use store and site for exchange, and in 2013 it entered into the waste management arena after winning a contract to manage the island’s recycling transfer station with a dedicated staff and volunteer support. They also engage with the local high school on environmental education, support crafting activities sourcing secondhand materials, and educate islanders on recycling practices. They are seeking to expand their processing capacity (e.g. baling, glass crushing for on-island manufacturing use) and develop composting capacity, and create repair events and tool education.”

Recognized alongside organizations such as Zero Waste Bellingham, Seattle Zero Waste, Zero Waste Redmond, and Upcycle White Salmon, ORS/The Exchange is honored to be in the company of an impressive and growing array of zero waste movements in the state.